Media Center
At West we S.O.A.R in the Media Center.
Library Catalog & Online Books
Log in to Destiny Search with your student ID# and computer password to access titles.
Log in to Sora for access to ebooks and audiobooks. Use your student ID# and computer password to access titles.
Media Center Rules
At the West Media Center, we always — no matter what happens — obey the four Rs:
- Read, read, read! That's why we're here!
- Return. Bring back materials on time so others can use them, too.
- Respect. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Responsibility. Take good care of materials and keep track of them.
Check-out Time Rules:
- Walking only.
- Be quiet and considerate of others.
- Use a shelf marker to mark your place.
- When in doubt, don't put it back. Put it on the top of the shelf or in the return slot.
Circulation Policies:
- All students are allowed 2 items to be checked out.
- Books may be renewed, but students must have the actual book in hand to renew it.
- If one book is overdue, the student will only be allowed to check out one book until the overdue is returned
- Once an item has been overdue for more than a month, an overdue notice is mailed home and the student may not be allowed to check out materials until overdue items have been paid for or returned.
- Students who have lost several items may have their check out privileges restricted. Teachers may also choose to limit student check out privileges.
Our Mission
The mission of the AIS West Library is to assist students in the development of the skills necessary for independent life-long learning. Emphasis is placed on the appreciation and enjoyment of literature and the motivation of reading for pleasure as well as for learning information skills.
Contact Us
Mrs. Paula Kopp
p: (317) 544-5930
Online Databases & Research Info
AIS West provides a variety of sources to teach students how to research productively and safely.